domingo, 19 de abril de 2020


Most of the people don't go with videos and read books for learning. Book reading is a really effective way to learn and understand how things work. There are plenty of books about computers, security, penetration testing and hacking. Every book shows a different angle how things work and how to make system secure and how it can be penetrated by hackers. So, here I have gathered a few of the best hacking books of 2018 available on the market.


There are hundreds of books about hacking, but I have streamlined few of best hacking books of 2018.


This handbook is about experting yourself with the hacking techniques in the hacker's way. This is about penetration testing that how hackers play their techniques and how we can counter them.


  • Introduction
  • Pregame – The Setup
  • Setting Up a Penetration Testing Box
  • Before the Snap – Scanning the Network
  • The Drive – Exploiting Scanner Findings
  • The Throw – Manual Web Application Findings
  • The Lateral Pass – Moving Through the Network
  • The Screen – Social Engineering
  • The Onside Kick – Attacks that Require Physical Access
  • The Quarterback Sneak – Evading AV
  • Special Teams – Cracking, Exploits, Tricks
  • Post Game Analysis – Reporting
Download the Hacker's Playbook Practical Guide to Penetration.


The Android Hacker's Handbook is about how the android devices can be hacked. Authors chose to write this book because the field of mobile security research is so "sparsely charted" with disparate and conflicted information (in the form of resources and techniques).


  • Chapter 1 Looking at the Ecosystem
  • Chapter 2 Android Security Design and Architecture
  • Chapter 3 Rooting Your Device
  • Chapter 4 Reviewing Application Security
  • Chapter 5 Understanding Android's Attack Surface
  • Chapter 6 Finding Vulnerabilities with Fuzz Testing
  • Chapter 7 Debugging and Analyzing Vulnerabilities
  • Chapter 8 Exploiting User Space Software
  • Chapter 9 Return Oriented Programming
  • Chapter 10 Hacking and Attacking the Kernel
  • Chapter 11 Attacking the Radio Interface Layer
  • Chapter 12 Exploit Mitigations
  • Chapter 13 Hardware Attacks
Download Android Hacker's Handbook.


This book is an effective practical guide to penetration testing tools and techniques. How to penetrate and hack into systems. This book covers beginner level to highly advanced penetration and hacking techniques.


  • Chapter 1: Setting Up Your Virtual Lab
  • Chapter 2: Using Kali Linux
  • Chapter 3: Programming
  • Chapter 4: Using the Metasploit Framework
  • Chapter 5: Information Gathering
  • Chapter 6: Finding Vulnerabilities
  • Chapter 7: Capturing Traffic
  • Chapter 8: Exploitation
  • Chapter 9: Password Attacks
  • Chapter 10: Client-Side Exploitation
  • Chapter 11: Social Engineering
  • Chapter 12: Bypassing Antivirus Applications
  • Chapter 13: Post Exploitation
  • Chapter 14: Web Application Testing
  • Chapter 15: Wireless Attacks
  • Chapter 16: A Stack-Based Buffer Overflow in Linux
  • Chapter 17: A Stack-Based Buffer Overflow in Windows
  • Chapter 18: Structured Exception Handler Overwrites
  • Chapter 19: Fuzzing, Porting Exploits, and Metasploit Modules
  • Chapter 20: Using the Smartphone Pentesting Framework
Download Penetration Testing: A Hands-On Introduction To Hacking.


This book is about learning shellcode's of the OS and how OS can be exploited. This book is all about discovering and exploiting security holes in devices to take over.
Authors: Chris Anley, John Heasman, Felix "FX" Linder, Gerardo Richarte.


  • Stack Overflows
  • Shellcode
  • Introduction to Format String Bugs
  • Windows Shellcode
  • Windows Overflows
  • Overcoming Filters
  • Introduction to Solaris Exploitation
  • OS X Shellcode
  • Cisco IOS Exploitation
  • Protection Mechanisms
  • Establishing a Working Environment
  • Fault Injection
  • The Art of Fuzzing
  • Beyond Recognition: A Real Vulnerability versus a Bug
  • Instrumented Investigation: A Manual Approach
  • Tracing for Vulnerabilities
  • Binary Auditing: Hacking Closed Source Software
  • Alternative Payload Strategies
  • Writing Exploits that Work in the Wild
  • Attacking Database Software
  • Unix Kernel Overflows
  • Exploiting Unix Kernel Vulnerabilities
  • Hacking the Windows Kernel
Download The ShellCoder's HandBook.


This handbook is about finding and exploiting the web applications.
Authors: Dafydd Stuttard, Marcus Pinto.


  • Chapter 1 Web Application (In)security
  • Chapter 2 Core Defense Mechanisms
  • Chapter 3 Web Application Technologies
  • Chapter 4 Mapping the Application
  • Chapter 5 Bypassing Client-Side Controls
  • Chapter 6 Attacking Authentication
  • Chapter 7 Attacking Session Management
  • Chapter 8 Attacking Access Controls
  • Chapter 9 Attacking Data Stores
  • Chapter 10 Attacking Back-End Components
  • Chapter 11 Attacking Application Logic
  • Chapter 12 Attacking Users: Cross-Site Scripting
  • Chapter 13 Attacking Users: Other Techniques
  • Chapter 14 Automating Customized Attacks
  • Chapter 15 Exploiting Information Disclosure
  • Chapter 16 Attacking Native Compiled Applications
  • Chapter 17 Attacking Application Architecture
  • Chapter 18 Attacking the Application Server
  • Chapter 19 Finding Vulnerabilities in Source Code
  • Chapter 20 A Web Application Hacker's Toolkit
  • Chapter 21 A Web Application Hacker's Methodology
So, these are the top 5 best hacking books on the market. There may be more fascinating books in the future that make take place in the top list. But for now, these are the best hacking books. Read and share your experience with these books.
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goBox - GO Sandbox To Run Untrusted Code

GO sandbox to run untrusted code.
goBox uses Ptrace to hook into READ syscalls, giving you the option to accept or deny syscalls before they are executed.

Usage of ./gobox:

gobox [FLAGS] command

-h Print Usage.
-n value
A glob pattern for automatically blocking file reads.
-y value
A glob pattern for automatically allowing file reads.

Use cases

You want to install anything
> gobox -n "/etc/password.txt" npm install sketchy-module

BLOCKED READ on /etc/password.txt
> gobox -n "/etc/password.txt" bash <(curl

BLOCKED READ on /etc/password.txt

You are interested in what file reads you favourite program makes.
Sure you could use strace, but it references file descriptors goBox makes the this much easier at a glance by printing the absolute path of the fd.
> gobox ls
Wanting to READ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [y/n]
NOTE: It's definitely a better idea to encrypt all your sensitive data, goBox should probably only be used when that is inconvenient or impractical.
NOTE: I haven't made any effort for cross-x compatibility so it currently only works on linux. I'd happily accept patches to improve portability.

via KitPloit

Read more

  1. Hacker Tools Software
  2. Hacking Tools Github
  3. Nsa Hack Tools Download
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  5. Hack And Tools
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  7. Pentest Tools Port Scanner
  8. Blackhat Hacker Tools
  9. Pentest Automation Tools
  10. Pentest Tools Alternative
  11. Hacker Tools Mac
  12. Hacking Tools Github
  13. World No 1 Hacker Software
  14. Hacking Tools 2019
  15. Hack Tools For Mac
  16. Pentest Reporting Tools
  17. What Is Hacking Tools
  18. Hacking Tools Github

Difference Between Hacker, Programmer, And Developer

                There are numerous sprite debates and discussions on the differences between hackers, developers, and programmers. With most descriptions, however, there is usually a slight flaw in at least one or two serious ways. These terms are all traditionally misused and misunderstood, with many of us frequently mixing them up as an all-encompassing definition of anyone working on the Software realm.

However, if you are looking to clarify your project goals and business needs adequately, it is essential that you understand that all these terms do not all represent the same thing (although a person with the ability to program a computer can use different skills to accomplish various outcomes).

What's more, it is also quite important for you to differentiate between these three terms if you are working with software development groups and the fact that they cannot be interchanged.  This excerpt seeks to break it all down for you mainly-the vital difference between hackers, developers, and programmers, their actual tasks, as well as their relationship.

The Hacker

A hacker is a computer expert who uses his knowledge of computer networking, programming, cryptography, and databases to overcome a problem in the system. Hackers are more concerned with availing the concept as opposed to minding about the long-term quality. And although a hacker can conceptualize about how will ultimately be created while frantically writing code, the role is primarily about speed.

A hacker, as well as hacking,' are most useful in dealing with emergency circumstances or when prototyping an item. Hackers and the profession of hacking, in general, is not concerned with the ultimate effect of the code.

Hackers make things. They typically alter the things programmers create and transform them to function differently as well as also writing codes. While "hacker" can refer to any skilled technical person, the term has become associated with computer security, someone who, with their technical knowledge, uses bugs or exploits to break into computer systems.

The Programmer

programmer is an individual equipped with the expertise to write codes. Programmers usually master in a single or multiple programming languages and boast vast knowledge on related areas also. Their roles are relatively procedural and mandate for total concentration not to mention refined skills.

A programmer is solely focused both in writing codes as well as getting features appropriately performed so that these features are accessible for integration and later use. Programming is merely the process of swinging the hammer and adequately creating the software.

Usually, it is easy to identify that an individual is in programming mode since they often have a concentrated gaze and are deep in the zone.' Programmers are normally internalizing the system they are operating as well as editing and writing pieces of something that can only best be described as a long algebra problem.'

The Developer

Developers are typically creators. However, not anyone that is an expert at writing codes can be a developer. Developers are experts at identifying ways around various problems as well as plugging together components to fulfill some requirements. These professionals solve problems or create things by adhering to a specific set of principles (design and implementation).

This set of principles includes attributes such as maintainability, performance, robustness, security, and scale among others. They solve problems in a systematic manner. Ideally, this is what distinguishes programmers, developers, and hackers.

In A Nutshell:

In all simplicity, these three professionals solve various problems using code. A programmer is an encompassing term that means a problem solver, a developer is a trained programmer (formal) who besides resolving issues achieves it in an organized and methodical manner likely instilled in the course of their formal education, and a hacker is a tinkerer/creator.

Despite their differences in individual meaning and professional capacities, these terms, however, can interrelate with each other quite effectively. In fact, it is possible for you to combine the skills to your benefit. In reality, all developers and hackers are programmers. However, despite their expertise, not many developers and programmers are creative enough to warrant an identity as hackers.

Finally, although hackers and programmers are quite impressive, they are however not experienced or educated enough to warrant consideration as developers. The similarity, however, is that all work to create code, each in their specified manner.

Ideally, anyone would work to be all the above-as creative as a hacker, though, somewhat better experienced and formally trained to design software as opposed to only hacking.

Nonetheless, even if you lack the creativity, experience, or education, or either to necessarily create a broad application, it is still worth noting that you are still ideally a programmer. And in case you did not know, solving a problem through code is by itself, a superpower!


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